Thanks to genetic testing of embryos, IVF treatment success rates have increased even further. In addition to boosting the effectiveness of IVF therapy, these tests may predict the occurrence of certain disorders in the infant. Controlling embryos acquired via IVF therapy before they are put to the uterus ensures a more effective treatment and a healthier baby.
Embryo testing are a critical component of IVF therapy. It may be used in situations of repeated miscarriages and IVF treatments that have failed one after the other. These tests may also be used if one of the mother or father-to-be has a chromosomal problem or if at least one of the mother or father-to-be has a gene illness.
Women's egg quality and quantity diminish as they go from their first menstrual cycle until menopause. Egg quality and quantity drop considerably with age, especially in women over 40.
One of the most critical criteria that determines the outcome of IVF therapy is egg quality. In women over 40 with a strong ovarian reserve, genetic testing are often recommended to ensure the quality of the embryos to be transplanted to the uterus.
Genetic Screening of Embryos
These tests, also known as PGD, PGT, and PGS, have been used in IVF procedures for many years. Pre-implantation genetic screening, pre-implantation genetic imaging, and pre-implantation genetic testing are all treatments that improve the odds of IVF treatment success. When the first trial fails, in vitro fertilization, which is the most recommended type of infertility therapy, may be used in the second and third trials. These tests may be used in subsequent trials as well as the first one.
What exactly is PGD?
Genes that may cause certain disorders may be identified using PGD, which is an acronym of the phrase Preimpantation Genetic Diagnosis. If the mother or father-to-be, or their family, has a history of genetic problems, the procedure is carried out. PGD is used to guarantee that certain disorders are not passed down to the baby delivered via the in vitro fertilization process.
Huntington's disease, Marfan syndrome, cystic fibrosis, DMF, Down syndrome, hemophilia, or Thalassemia are all illnesses that the mother or father-to-be or his/her family may have. Furthermore, if the couple has children who have previously experienced one of the genetic disorders such as Thalassemia, DMD, or cystic fibrosis, PGD may be used to do the tissue typing necessary for their treatment.
What exactly is PGT?
Pre-implantation genetic testing, or PGD for short, is a test conducted prior to the transfer of embryos generated by in vitro fertilization to the uterus. PGT-M is a test that may be used to diagnose single-gene diseases. The PGT-A test detects aneuploidy on all chromosomes, including 22 autosome pairs and the X-Y sex chromosomes.
PGT-SR tests, on the other hand, look for chromosomal structural issues such translocation. A chorionic villus biopsy or amniocentesis should be done if a chromosomal structural problem is found in the embryo. These two tests are also preferable for verifying PGT-M-diagnosed diseases.
What exactly is PGS?
Preimplantation genetic screening, or PGS, is used to look for chromosomal abnormalities before embryo transfer. Methods like as aCGh and NGS are being used to generate exceedingly precise findings. Previously, the chromosomal structure of a single cell sample collected on the third day of the embryo was evaluated by staining it with a dye. FISH is the name of this approach.
FISH is no longer used since aCGh and NGS provide more reliable findings. While the embryo is still in the blastocyst stage, the new generation technologies use 7 to 8 cells instead of a single cell. As a consequence, the findings are more precise. The FISH approach takes a sample three days after the embryo is fertilized, while the aCGh and NGS methods collect a sample at the blastocyst stage.
Who Should PGS Be Used On?
Pre-transfer testing are available to all couples seeking IVF therapy. For some couples, however, these tests are required. Couples who have attempted but failed to conceive using in vitro fertilization, couples who have a chromosomal problem or a single gene illness in themselves or in their families, and couples who have had repeated miscarriages should all have these tests done. Furthermore, these tests are indicated in order to improve the success percentage of women who seek IVF therapy at the age of 40 or beyond.
When and how should PGS and PGD be carried out?
Embryos must be ready to be transplanted in IVF therapy in order to undergo PGS and PGD testing.